We may never have our flying cars, but the future is here. From
creating fully functioning artificial leaves to hacking the human brain,
science made a lot of breakthroughs in 2012.
1. Quadriplegic Uses Her Mind to Control Her Robotic Arm
the University of Pittsburgh, the neurobiology department worked with
52-year-old Jan Scheuermann over the course of 13 weeks to create a
robotic arm controlled only by the power of Scheuermann’s mind.
The team implanted her with two 96-channel intracortical microelectrodes. Placed in the motor cortex, which controls all limb movement, the integration process was faster than anyone expected. On the second day, Jan could use her new arm with a 3-D workspace. By the end of the 13 weeks, she was capable of performing complex tasks with seven-dimensional movement, just like a biological arm.
To date, there have been no negative side effects.
Source: gizmodo.com
2. DARPA Robot Can Traverse an Obstacle Course
Once the robot figures out how to do that without all the wires, humanity is doomed.
DARPA was also hard at work this year making robots to track humans and run as fast as a cheetah, which seems like a great combination with no possibility of horrible side effects.
Source: jwherrman
3. Genetically Modified Silk Is Stronger Than Steel
Photo Courtesy of Indigo Moon Yarns.
At the University of Wyoming, scientists modified a group of silkworms to produce silk that is, weight for weight, stronger than steel. Different groups hope to benefit from the super-strength silk, including stronger sutures for the medical community, a biodegradable alternative to plastics, and even lightweight armor for military purposes.
Source: bbc.co.uk
4. DNA Was Photographed for the First Time
an electron microscope, Enzo di Fabrizio and his team at the Italian
Institute of Technology in Genoa snapped the first photos of the famous
double helix.
Source: newscientist.com / via: davi296
5. Invisibility Cloak Technology Took a Huge Leap Forward
Columbia company HyperStealth Biotechnology showed a functioning
prototype of its new fabric to the U.S. and Canadian military this year.
The material, called Quantum Stealth, bends light waves around the
wearer without the use of batteries, mirrors, or cameras. It blocks the
subject from being seen by visual means but also keeps them hidden from
thermal scans and infrared.
Source: toxel.com
6. Spray-On Skin
by Avita Medical is a medical breakthrough for severe-burn victims. The
technology uses a postage stamp–size piece of skin from the patient,
leaving the donor site with what looks like a rug burn. Then the sample
is mixed with an enzyme harvested from pigs and sprayed back onto the
burn site. Each tiny graft expands, covering a space up to the size of a
book page within a week. Since the donor skin comes from the patient,
the risk of rejection is minimal.
Source: news.discovery.com
7. James Cameron Reached the Deepest Known Point in the Ocean
was the first solo human to reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench. At
6.8 miles deep, it is perhaps more a more alien place to scientists than
some foreign planets are. The 2.5-story “vertical torpedo” sub
descended over a period of two and a half hours before taking a variety
of samples.
Source: news.nationalgeographic.com
8. Stem Cells Could Extend Human Life by Over 100 Years
fast-aging elderly mice with a usual lifespan of 21 days were injected
with stem cells from younger mice at the Institute for Regenerative
Medicine in Pittsburgh, the results were staggering. Given the injection
approximately four days before they were expected to die, not only did
the elderly mice live — they lived threefold their normal lifespan,
sticking around for 71 days. In human terms, that would be the
equivalent of an 80-year-old living to be 200.
Source: news.nationalgeographic.com
9. 3-D Printer Creates Full-Size Houses in One Session
D-Shape printer, created by Enrico Dini, is capable of printing a
two-story building, complete with rooms, stairs, pipes, and partitions.
Using nothing but sand and an inorganic binding compound, the resulting
material has the same durability as reinforced concrete with the look of
marble. The building process takes approximately a fourth of the time
as traditional buildings, as long as it sticks to rounded structures,
and can be built without specialist knowledge or skill sets.
Source: gizmag.com
10. Self-Driving Cars Are Legal in Nevada, Florida, and California
started testing its driverless cars in the beginning of 2012, and by
May, Nevada was the first state to take the leap in letting them roam
free on the roads. With these cars logging over 300,000 autonomous hours
so far, the only two accidents involving them happened when they were
being manually piloted.
Source: en.wikipedia.org
11. Voyager I Leaves the Solar System
in 1977, Voyager I is the first manmade object to fly beyond the
confines of our solar system and out into the blackness of deep space.
It was originally designed to send home images of Saturn and Jupiter,
but NASA scientists soon realized eventually the probe would float out
into the great unknown. To that end, a recording was placed on Voyager I
with sounds ranging from music to whale calls, and greetings in 55
Source: space.com
12. Custom Jaw Transplant Created With 3-D Printer
custom working jawbone was created for an 83-year-old patient using
titanium powder and bioceramic coating. The first of its kind, the
successful surgery opens the door for individualized bone replacement
and, perhaps one day, the ability to print out new muscles and organs.
Source: telegraph.co.uk
13. Rogue Planet Floating Through Space
this year, scientists knew planets orbited a star. Then, in came
CFBDSIR2149. With four to seven times the mass of Jupiter, it is the
first free-floating object to be officially defined as an exoplanet and
not a brown dwarf.
Source: sciencenews.org
14. Chimera Monkeys Created from Multiple Embryos
all the donor cells were from rhesus monkeys, the researchers combined
up to six distinct embryos into three baby monkeys. According to Dr.
Mitalipov, “The cells never fuse, but they stay together and work
together to form tissues and organs.” Chimera species are used in order
to understand the role specific genes play in embryonic development and
may lead to a better understanding of genetic mutation in humans.
Source: bbc.co.uk
15. Artificial Leaves Generate Electricity
relatively inexpensive materials, Daniel G. Nocera created the world’s
first practical artificial leaf. The self-contained units mimic the
process of photosynthesis, but the end result is hydrogen instead of
oxygen. The hydrogen can then be captured into fuel cells and used for
electricity, even in the most remote locations on Earth.
Source: sciencedaily.com
16. Google Goggles Bring the Internet Everywhere
Almost everyone has seen the video
of Google’s vision of the future. With their Goggles, everyday life is
overlaid with a HUD (Head’s Up Display). Controlled by a combination of
voice control and where the user is looking, the Goggles show pertinent
information, surf the web, or call a loved one.
Source: heraldsun.com.au
17. The Higgs-Boson Particle Was Discovered
the summer, multinational research center CERN confirmed it had
discovered a particle that behaved enough like a Higgs boson to be given
the title. For scientists, this meant there could be a Higgs field,
similar to an electromagnetic field. In turn, this could lead to the
scientists’ ability to interact with mass the same way we currently do
with magnetic fields.
Source: forbes.com
18. Flexible, Inexpensive Solar Panels Challenge Fossil Fuel
half the price of today’s cheapest solar cells, Twin Creeks’ Hyperion
uses an ion canon to bombard wafer-thin panels. The result is a
commercially viable, mass-produced solar panel that costs around 40
cents per watt.
Source: extremetech.com
19. Diamond Planet Discovered
exoplanet made entirely of diamonds was discovered this year by an
international research team. Approximately five times the size of Earth,
the small planet had mass similar to that of Jupiter. Scientists
believe the short distance from its star coupled with the exoplanet’s
mass means the planet, remnants of another star, is mostly crystalline
Source: io9.com
20. Eye Implants Give Sight to the Blind
blind men in the U.K. were fitted with eye implants during an
eight-hour surgery with promising results. After years of blindness,
both had regained “useful” vision within weeks, picking up the outlines
of objects and dreaming in color. Doctors expect continued improvement
as their brains rewire themselves for sight.
Source: telegraph.co.uk
21. Wales Barcodes DNA of Every Flowering Plant Species in the Country
Photo Courtesy of Virtual Tourist.
Led by the National Botanic Garden’s head of research and conversation, a database of DNA for all 1,143 native species of Wales has been created. With the use of over 5,700 barcodes, plants can now be identified by photos of their seeds, roots, wood, or pollen. The goal is to help researchers track things such as bee migration patterns or how a plant species encroaches on a new area. The hope is to eventually barcode both animal and plant species across the world.
Source: walesonline.co.uk
22. First Unmanned Commercial Space Flight Docks with the ISS
docked its unmanned cargo craft, the Dragon, with the International
Space Station. It marked the first time in history a private company had
sent a craft to the station. The robotic arm of the ISS grabbed the
capsule in the first of what will be many resupply trips.
Source: nytimes.com
23. Ultra-Flexible “Willow” Glass Will Allow for Curved Electronic Devices
by New York–based developer Corning, the flexible glass prototype was
shown off at an industry trade show in Boston. At only 0.05mm thick,
it’s as thin as a sheet of paper. Perhaps Sony’s wearable PC concept
will actually be possible before 2020.
Source: bbc.co.uk
24. NASA Begins Using Robotic Exoskeletons
X1 Robotic Exoskeleton weighs in at 57 lbs. and contains four motorized
joints along with six passive ones. With two settings, it can either
hinder movement, such as when helping astronauts exercise in space, or
aid movement, assisting paraplegics with walking.
Source: news.cnet.com
25. Human Brain Is Hacked
Security had a team of researchers use off-the-shelf technology to show
how vulnerable the human brain really is. With an EEG
(electroencephalograph) headset attached to the scalp and software to
figure out what the neurons firing are trying to do, it watches for
spikes in brain activity when the user recognizes something like one’s
ATM PIN number or a child’s face.
Source: extremetech.com
26. First Planet with FOUR Suns Discovered
by amateur astronomers, the planet closely orbits a pair of stars,
which in turn orbit another set of more distant stars. It’s
approximately the size of Neptune, so scientists are still trying to
work out how the planet has avoided being pulled apart by the
gravitational force of that many stars.
Source: io9.com
27. Microsoft Patented the “Holodeck”
patent suggests Microsoft wants to take gaming beyond a single screen
and turn it into an immersive experience — beaming images all over the
room, accounting for things like furniture, and bending the graphics
around them to create a seamless environment. Source: bbc.co.uk
1. Quadriplegic Uses Her Mind to Control Her Robotic Arm
The team implanted her with two 96-channel intracortical microelectrodes. Placed in the motor cortex, which controls all limb movement, the integration process was faster than anyone expected. On the second day, Jan could use her new arm with a 3-D workspace. By the end of the 13 weeks, she was capable of performing complex tasks with seven-dimensional movement, just like a biological arm.
To date, there have been no negative side effects.
Source: gizmodo.com
2. DARPA Robot Can Traverse an Obstacle Course
DARPA was also hard at work this year making robots to track humans and run as fast as a cheetah, which seems like a great combination with no possibility of horrible side effects.
Source: jwherrman
3. Genetically Modified Silk Is Stronger Than Steel
Photo Courtesy of Indigo Moon Yarns.
At the University of Wyoming, scientists modified a group of silkworms to produce silk that is, weight for weight, stronger than steel. Different groups hope to benefit from the super-strength silk, including stronger sutures for the medical community, a biodegradable alternative to plastics, and even lightweight armor for military purposes.
Source: bbc.co.uk
4. DNA Was Photographed for the First Time
Source: newscientist.com / via: davi296
5. Invisibility Cloak Technology Took a Huge Leap Forward
Source: toxel.com
6. Spray-On Skin
Source: news.discovery.com
7. James Cameron Reached the Deepest Known Point in the Ocean
Source: news.nationalgeographic.com
8. Stem Cells Could Extend Human Life by Over 100 Years
Source: news.nationalgeographic.com
9. 3-D Printer Creates Full-Size Houses in One Session
Source: gizmag.com
10. Self-Driving Cars Are Legal in Nevada, Florida, and California
Source: en.wikipedia.org
11. Voyager I Leaves the Solar System
Source: space.com
12. Custom Jaw Transplant Created With 3-D Printer
Source: telegraph.co.uk
13. Rogue Planet Floating Through Space
Source: sciencenews.org
14. Chimera Monkeys Created from Multiple Embryos
Source: bbc.co.uk
15. Artificial Leaves Generate Electricity
Source: sciencedaily.com
16. Google Goggles Bring the Internet Everywhere
Source: heraldsun.com.au
17. The Higgs-Boson Particle Was Discovered
Source: forbes.com
18. Flexible, Inexpensive Solar Panels Challenge Fossil Fuel
Source: extremetech.com
19. Diamond Planet Discovered
Source: io9.com
20. Eye Implants Give Sight to the Blind
Source: telegraph.co.uk
21. Wales Barcodes DNA of Every Flowering Plant Species in the Country
Photo Courtesy of Virtual Tourist.
Led by the National Botanic Garden’s head of research and conversation, a database of DNA for all 1,143 native species of Wales has been created. With the use of over 5,700 barcodes, plants can now be identified by photos of their seeds, roots, wood, or pollen. The goal is to help researchers track things such as bee migration patterns or how a plant species encroaches on a new area. The hope is to eventually barcode both animal and plant species across the world.
Source: walesonline.co.uk
22. First Unmanned Commercial Space Flight Docks with the ISS
Source: nytimes.com
23. Ultra-Flexible “Willow” Glass Will Allow for Curved Electronic Devices
Source: bbc.co.uk
24. NASA Begins Using Robotic Exoskeletons
Source: news.cnet.com
25. Human Brain Is Hacked
Source: extremetech.com
26. First Planet with FOUR Suns Discovered
Source: io9.com
27. Microsoft Patented the “Holodeck”
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